When is World Snake Day?

Sunday July 16th

On July 16th, World Snake Day, which is celebrated around the world, brings greater recognition of the wide variety of species around the world.. With over 3,500 species of snakes, finding a snake that fascinates you or that was unknown to you before would not be difficult.

World Snake Day - July 16

About 600 of the 3,500 species are venomous, with only 600 of them venomous. However, according to the World Health Organization, only about 200 of those pose a significant danger to human life.

The Barbados thread snake is the world's tiniest snake. At about 4 inches, this serpent is smaller than a nightcrawler. The longest snake is the reticulated python, according to comparison, and the heaviest is the green anaconda. The atheris hispida – a bush viper – leaps out of fantasy books with its scaled head. Did the viper inspire fire breathing dragons?

Other snakes are brilliantly colored. Vibrant reds, yellows, blues, blues, and oranges make up the snake world. From the green tree python whose color ranges from green to red and brown, to the banded sea krait that seems to have originated from the Beetlejuice film, it's a rainbow-colored world.

Snake facts