When is World Ufo Day?

Saturday June 24th

Two separate dates have been commemorated on World UFO Day. The first widely reported UFO sighting by aviator Kenneth Arnold on June 24th is recognized on June 24th. The first, on June 24th, honors the first widely reported UFO sighting on this same day in 1947. On July 2nd, the date commemorates an incident that occurred in Roswell, New Mexico, in the same year.

World UFO Day - June 24 & July 2

Human sighting unusual and unexplained objects in the sky existed before 1947, but no written record of humans seeing them existed before 1947. However, following the Arnold and Roswell incidents, however, news of the Arnold and Roswell incidents soared sharply.

Many investigating the sightings rated them on a scale. Josef Allen Hynek, one of the few astronomers investigating the sightings, wrote several books about the UFO research. The Hyneck scale assigns a score to sightings by proximity, from Nocturnal Lights to Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Human beings are always curious about otherworldly beings, whether it be unusual lights in the sky or strange occurrences. Our imaginations are still alive as well as in movies and television series. Conspiracy theories are just as relevant as ever.

The fascination with objects in the sky has certainly increased during the twentieth century. H.G. Wells wrote a tale that later became a radio play before the 1947 sightings. Its broadcasting through the airwaves had some troubling results! Many of the radio listeners suspect they were under attack by Martians, according to The War of the Worlds, which was published in 1898 and later broadcast by CBS radio in 1938. The drama sparked imaginations, narrated by Orson Welles. Click here to listen to the episode.