When is?

Restless Legs Awareness Day | September 23
Saturday September 23rd

When is Restless Legs Awareness Day

Restless Legs Awareness Day, September 23rd, promotes education about a medical disorder that affects adults and children alike.

World Introvert Day - January 2nd
Monday January 2nd

When is World Introvert Day

World Introvert Day, which takes place on January 2nd, gives people around the world the opportunity to learn and appreciate introverts..

National Egg Roll Day | June 10
Saturday June 10th

When is National Egg Roll Day

JUNE 10 is the tenth anniversary of the National EGG ROLL DAY in the United States.

Saturday February 25th

When is National Clam Chowder Day

Every year on February 25th, people around the country have a bowl and spoon set to be filled with clam chowder as they prepare to celebrate National Clam Chowder Day.

National Banana Split Day | August 25
Friday August 25th

When is National Banana Split Day

National Banana Split Day honors the sweet ice cream treat served with a banana, whipped cream, and a variety of toppings. Get your tickets on August 25th!

Sunday April 9th

When is National Cherish An Antique Day

Each year, National Cherish an Antique Day encourages us to explore the deeper truth behind treasures and family heirlooms. On April 9th, the day is observed annually, reminding us that there's more to antiques than just a dollar sign.

World Braille Day - January 4
Wednesday January 4th

When is World Braille Day

Every year on January 4th, World Braille Day reminds us of the importance of accessibility and freedom for those who are blind or visually impaired. Those who are blind or visually impaired are also impaired.

Saturday February 4th

When is National Hemp Day

National Hemp Day weaves a commemoration of an industry with a long and prosperous history on February 4th.

National Chewing Gum Day | September 30
Saturday September 30th

When is National Chewing Gum Day

On September 30th, National Chewing Gum Day exercises our jaws... With your new piece of chewing gum, you can pop a bubble or freshen your breath.

National Tater Tot Day - February 2
Thursday February 2nd

When is National Tater Tot Day

National Tater Tot Day, February 2nd, honors a kitchen staple.. Each year, we in the United States consume approximately 3.5 billion of these nuggets of potato goodness.

Friday November 10th

When is National Forget-me-not Day

On November 10th, National Fore-Not Day reminds Americans of the sacrifices returning soldiers have made of body, blood, and limb.. National Fort-Me-Not Day was established in 1921 and reminds Americans that the day reminds Americans that National Fort-Me-Not Day originally raised funds for services for returning wounded veterans. The existing hospitals were ineffective to care for the number of returning disabled veterans at the time.

National Walk to a Park Day | October 10
Tuesday October 10th

When is National Walk To A Park Day

A neighborhood's backyard includes public parks and green spaces. They provide nearby residents with a place to play, collaborate, and enjoy the outdoors' benefits. That's why National Walk to a Park Day on October 10th encourages us to walk to our local parks. On your face, feel the wind on your face. Take in the fall weather. Visit with neighbors. Play with your children.. And, of course, appreciate all the benefits that green spaces provide communities..

Wiggle Your Toes Day | August 6
Sunday August 6th

When is National Wiggle Your Toes Day

On August 6, National Wiggle Your Toes Day gives people the opportunity to display the digits on their feet... The day is perfect for giving our feet (and our toes) a little extra attention.

International Traffic Light Day - August 5
Saturday August 5th

When is International Traffic Light Day

Every year on August 5th, International Traffic Light Day highlights the importance of the traffic light. Every year, the traffic light is on display. It's also a day that commemorates the installation of the first traffic signal system..

National Family PJ Day - November 14
Tuesday November 14th

When is National Family Pj Day

National Family PJ Day is a national family PJ Day. On November 14th, the day is celebrated each year, and invites people of all ages to wear their favorite pajamas for a party.

National Sugar Cookie Day | July 9
Sunday July 9th

When is National Sugar Cookie Day

On July 9th, National Sugar Cookie Day is observed each year, honoring the ever-popular and delectable sugar cookie.

National Hazelnut Cake Day | June 1
Thursday June 1st

When is National Hazelnut Cake Day

As part of National Hazelnut Cake Day, spend some time in the kitchen baking up a delectable hazelnut cake.

National Only Child Day - April 12
Wednesday April 12th

When is National Only Child Day

National Only Child Day, on April 12th, honors the individual child, the siblingless, the one, and onlies. You know who you are. These days, there are more of you than in decades past.