When is?

Vanilla Pudding Day | May 22
Monday May 22nd

When is National Vanilla Pudding Day

The day we celebrate National Vanilla Pudding Day is May 22nd. Enjoy it with a delectable dish of cold, creamy vanilla pudding..

Saturday March 25th

When is Tolkien Reading Day

Tolkien Reading Day is a favorite among fans of the renowned author, celebrated around the world on March 25th.

National Arabian Horse Day - February 19
Sunday February 19th

When is National Arabian Horse Day

Arabian horses fill their owners with a zealous passion equal to that held for loved family members. So, every day to them is National Arabian Horse Day. However, the Arabian horse is listed as one of the world's most popular breeds on February 19.

Thursday January 5th

When is National Whipped Cream Day

To celebrate National Whipped Cream Day, add a little something special to desserts on January 5th. Add whipped cream to the mix! Not only does it add creaminess and a bit of pizzaz, but it also makes the difference between the ho-hum or a celebration kind of beverage or dessert.

Monday May 15th

When is National Chocolate Chip Day

On National Chocolate Chip Day, we recognize a morsel of a thing on National Chocolate Chip Day on May 15th.

Go Caroling Day - December 20
Wednesday December 20th

When is Go Caroling Day

On December 20th, Tune-up your voice so you can join others on Go Caroling Day! Caroling is the act of performing Christmas songs from door to door as a form of celebration. carol is a joyful song or dance.

International Poke Day
Thursday September 28th

When is International Poke Day

No, International Poke Day is not a day to annoy someone sitting next to you. Rather, the day, which takes place every September 28th, celebrates a Hawaiian dish called poke. It's pronounced poh-kay by the way, by the way.

International Strange Music Day - August 24 - headphones, orange, music notes
Thursday August 24th

When is International Strange Music Day

On August 24th, International Strange Music Day encourages people to listen to a genre of music they don't usually listen to. It's also a day to discover strange and bizarre forms of music.

Friday February 17th

When is National Cabbage Day

On February 17th, a delectable garden staple that yields some of the best recipes for the Celtic holidays is coming up next month. Among other popular seasonal dishes, it's an excellent day to try your corned beef and cabbage skills..

National Cheese Day | June 4
Sunday June 4th

When is National Cheese Day

Moooove over whiners!! National Cheese Day is June 4th in the United States. Cheese encyclopedia will cover the alphabet and broaden your vocabulary. It will unquestionably have more varieties of cheese than those that are found at the local grocer, as well as other varieties of cheese...

Monday March 27th

When is National Spanish Paella Day

The annual observance of National Spanish Paella Day, which takes place on March 27th.. Paella, a Spanish rice dish, has become extremely popular and is widely known around the world. On the east coast of Spain, it appeared in its modern form in Valencia, in the mid-19th century.

World Theatre Day - March 27
Monday March 27th

When is World Theatre Day

The lights dim and the audience settles. As the curtain rises, months of anticipation come to fruition, and a tale comes to life... As theater arts continues to move, entertain, teach, and change us, World Theater Day honors the importance of theater arts. It continues to inspire, entertain, teach, and change us.

Thursday September 7th

When is National Acorn Squash Day

National Acorn Squash Day, on September 7th, honors the fall flavors found in what is also known as pepper squash.

Thursday November 23rd

When is National Eat A Cranberry Day

ovember 23rd, National Eat a Cranberry Day, invites us to try a piece of the bright red cranberry. But prepare yourself!

Tuesday March 14th

When is National Pi Day

The mathematical constant is recognized by National Pi Day on March 14th. The first three and most recognized digits, also known as pi, are 3.14. Both pi enthusiasts and pie enthusiasts alike are celebrating the day.

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery - December 2
Saturday December 2nd

When is International Day For The Abolition Of Slavery

Every year, the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, draws attention to slavery that still exists in the world. This day, this day also focuses on the eradication of modern slavery.

Red Hand Day - February 12
Sunday February 12th

When is Red Hand Day

Red Hand Day, every year on February 12th, encourages political figures to avoid the use of child soldiers. The International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers is also known as the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers.

National Rice Pudding Day | August 9
Wednesday August 9th

When is National Rice Pudding Day

Many people eat their favorite dish on National Rice Pudding Day on August 9th.

National Thoughtful Day | August 28
Monday August 28th

When is National Thoughtful Day

The August 28th brings with it the opportunity to show how we value each other. A national Thoughtful Day sets aside a holiday that is supposed to bring goodwill in a variety of ways. A ripple effect takes place when serving the day with a spirit of compassion toward others.

International Infinity Day - August 8
Tuesday August 8th

When is International Infinity Day

You're halfway there to celebrating if you find yourself asking why August 8 is International Infinity Day. Everyone has the opportunity to honor the number 8 in all its uniqueness on this day.. If you're a deep thinker, a question box, or a problem solver, we encourage you to celebrate #InternationalInfinityDay with a thirst for knowledge.