When is?

National Brandied Fruit Day | October 20
Friday October 20th

When is National Brandied Fruit Day

Each year, on October 20th, we celebrate the delectable food holiday known as National Brandied Fruit Day.

Tackle Kids Cancer Day | September 15
Friday September 15th

When is National Tackle Kids Cancer Day

On September 15th, you will have the opportunity to participate in pediatric cancer research as part of the cure. Join other Tackle Kids Cancer supporters by volunteering to mobilize our community and raise the necessary funds for pediatric cancer research. Did you know that only 4% of federal cancer funds go to pediatric cancer research?? Finding a cure means more than ever. Our voices will be heard on Tackle Kids Cancer Day, which gives us a platform for our voices to be understood. Pediatric cancer can be treated with a cure.

Mayflower Day | September 16
Saturday September 16th

When is Mayflower Day

The ship's Mayflower Day commemorates the day the ship sailed from Plymouth, England, in 1620. The Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England, with 102 souls on board on September 16th, 1620. These colonists, women, and children, some seeking fame, others seeking religious liberty, were later identified as pilgrims.

National Candy Corn Day | October 30
Monday October 30th

When is National Candy Corn Day

With National Candy Corn Day, the country honors its country's favorite vegetable on October 30th.

National Tea Day - April 21
Friday April 21st

When is British National Tea Day


World NET Cancer Day - November 10
Friday November 10th

When is World Net Cancer Day

World NET Cancer Day, November 10th, raises concerns about neuroendocrine tumors (NET). This day also serves as a voice for the NET community in the hopes of improving diagnostics, diagnosis, and research.

National North Carolina Day | September 28
Thursday September 28th

When is National North Carolina Day

We began honoring each state in the order they were born in the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We've chosen a small piece of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state.

National Watch Day | June 19
Monday June 19th

When is National Watch Day

National Watch Day on June 19th recognizes an industry that has existed for more than 500 years and is still growing. The choice of a watch is very personal, as the options are numerous and numerous. The classic wristwatch signals personal taste, taste, and a rich history that cannot be denied, even with the introduction of smartphones and smartwatches...

Thursday November 9th

When is National Louisiana Day

We began honoring each state in the order they were born in the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We've chosen a small piece of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. There's so much more to discover, but we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

Saturday May 20th

When is International Red Sneakers Day

Each year, International Red Sneakers Day celebrates a growing movement with a goal to save the lives of those with food allergies while still revealing the life and memory of a boy who adored red sneakers...

National Penuche Fudge Day | July 22
Saturday July 22nd

When is National Penuche Fudge Day

On July 22nd, the creamy candy with an Italian name is recognized on National Penuche Fudge Day in the United Kingdom. This nut-filled fudge is for you if you like maple flavor. Hands down the best fudge out there to make.

National Heimlich Maneuver Day | June 1
Thursday June 1st

When is National Heimlich Maneuver Day

Every year on June 1st, National Heimlich Maneuver Day recognizes a life-saving measure. To remove air from the lungs, the Heimlich Maneuver uses abdominal thrusts. Someone is coughing when someone is coughing. The forced air expels an object on which someone is choking. In 1974, Dr. Henry J. Heimlich introduced this life-saving surgery. mlich Maneuver is also known as Abdominal Thrusts. The Heimlich Maneuver is also known as Abdominal Thrusts. The observance also marks National Safety Month, and the Heimlich Maneuver is just one of the many activities you can take this month.

HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day | September 18
Monday September 18th

When is National Hiv/aids And Aging Awareness Day

On September 18th, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day highlights the number of people living longer with HIV/AIDS.

National Pecan Pie Day | July 12
Wednesday July 12th

When is National Pecan Pie Day

National Pecan Pie Day is July 12th, so grab a slice on July 12th and celebrate National Pecan Pie Day! Using mainly corn syrup, pecan nuts, salt, and vanilla, make up the dish. Occasionally, recipes will differ by including sugar syrup and molasses or maple syrup. In some regions of the country, chocolate and bourbon whiskey are among the country's new additions. With vanilla ice cream or whipped cream, top it all off.

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Thursday July 27th

When is National Take Your Pants For A Walk Day

Today is National Take Your Pants For A Walk Day, a joking term for a good day. This day is a day to get outside and take a nice walk on July 27, which is celebrated each year on July 27. Of course, your pants will go with wherever you go, so it makes sense that where you go.

Thursday March 23rd

When is National Melba Toast Day

National Melba Toast Day, a food holiday, is March 23rd. Melba toast is a dry, crisp, thinly sliced toast. It is often served with salad or soup, or can be eaten plain or with a topping.

National Metric Day | October 10
Tuesday October 10th

When is National Metric Day

National Metric Day, on October 10th, commemorates the metric system, its history, and its benefits.