When is?

National Hug Your Cat Day | June 4
Sunday June 4th

When is National Hug Your Cat Day

On June 4th, the purr-fect opportunity presents itself for some snuggle time as National Hug Your Cat Day rolls around each year. Hugging may not be in the plans, depending on your feline critter's nature. However, like most animals, touch is a vital component of communication, and the same goes for the claw-ful kind.

National Black Dog Day | October 1
Sunday October 1st

When is National Black Dog Day

The adoption of a dog in the darker tones is encouraged on October 1st. black dogs are less likely to be adopted for no other reason than their color, unfortunately. Regardless of appearance, height, breeding, personality, or age, the phenomenon persists.

National One-Hit Wonder Day | September 25
Monday September 25th

When is National One-hit Wonder Day

National One-Hit Wonder Day, on September 25th, brings back memories while also raising the volume.. We honor all the musical artists and chart-topping songs that make them memorable.

National Yellow Pig Day | July 17
Monday July 17th

When is National Yellow Pig Day

On July 17th, the unique features of the number 17 and its significance to mathematics are celebrated, as well as its significance to mathematics.

Friday April 21st

When is National Kindergarten Day

National Kindergarten Day is held on April 21st each year, in honor of the man who started the first kindergarten.. Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (1782 – June 21, 1882) is credited with founding the very first Kindergarten in Germany in 1837. 1860 – June 21, 1882 – 1882. Johann Pestalozzi, a German teacher and a pupil, was Frobel, a German teacher and a student... Frobel established a foundation for modern education, acknowledging that children learn by play and experience.

Wednesday December 6th

When is National Miner's Day

The contributions of miners around the world are recognized on National Miner's Day.. In addition, the day honors the mining country's hardworking employees...

National First Responders Day | October 28
Saturday October 28th

When is National First Responders Day

National First Responders Day is set aside to honor the men and women who act quickly when an emergency is close.

National Just Because Day | August 27
Sunday August 27th

When is National Just Because Day

Just because. National Just Because Day, August 27th, gives you the opportunity to do stuff. So feel free to celebrate this day in any way you please. Just because!

Report Medicare Fraud Day | September 12
Tuesday September 12th

When is National Report Medicare Fraud Day

The National Report Medicare Fraud Day, which falls on September 12th, is the National Report Medicare Fraud Day. We're all affected by Medicare scams. Ten percent of all Medicare funds are lost due to fraud. Medicare spends $650 billion a year on Medicare, and Medicare fraud loses $65 billion a year to Medicare scams. No wonder we have a national health care crisis!

World Radiography Day - November 8
Wednesday November 8th

When is World Radiography Day

The discovery of the X-ray on November 8th is commemorated on World Radiography Day, which takes place on November 8th. The day also acknowledges the vital role that radiographers and radiologists play in the health-care industry..

Tuesday May 2nd

When is National Life Insurance Day

May 2nd of each year is National Life Insurance Day.. In the United States, this day marks the first day life insurance became available.

Tuesday April 4th

When is National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day

National Chicken Cordon Bleu Day is held each year on April 4th, a blue ribbon dish that incorporates chicken, ham, and cheese..

International Read Comics in Public Day - August 28
Monday August 28th

When is International Read Comics In Public Day

The general public is encouraged to read comic books for all to see every year on August 28th, International Read Comics in Public Day. It's also a day to celebrate the various comic genres and styles.

National SAFE Day | June 4
Sunday June 4th

When is National Safe Day

National SAFE Day is set to stop tragedy from repeating itself on June 4th. Gun storage is located inside one of every three households in the United States. Through education of responsible gun ownership and encouraging parents to inquire about guns where their children visit, the Brooklynn Mae Mohler Foundation is committed to reducing senseless child deaths by increasing awareness of responsible gun ownership and encouraging parents to inquire about guns where their children visit.

National Drive-Thru Day | July 24
Monday July 24th

When is National Drive-thru Day

On July 24th, the National Drive-Thru Day honors an innovation that is still strong today. The drive-thru hit its historic peak in the 1950s in the 1950s, but it maintained strong into the 1960s, 1970s, and beyond. People have enjoyed this service since the 1930s..

Thursday January 26th

When is National Peanut Brittle Day

On January 26th, the National Peanut Brittle Day honors a popular, flat candy treat that is enjoyed around the world. The candy's buttery, nutty texture makes for a delectable dish that can also be made at home.

National Thermal Engineer Day | July 24
Monday July 24th

When is National Thermal Engineer Day

Thermally speaking, July 24th is a good day to celebrate National Thermal Engineer Day.. Thermal engineers' contributions are honoured as it is one of the year's hottest days.

World Book and Copyright Day - April 23
Sunday April 23rd

When is World Book And Copyright Day