When is?

National Scarf Day | September 27
Wednesday September 27th

When is National Scarf Day

National Scarf Day, September 27, honors the strength of the scarf...

National Neither Snow nor Rain Day | September 7
Thursday September 7th

When is National Neither Snow Nor Rain Day

On September 7th, the New York Post Office's opening on September 7, 1914, commemorates the Neither Snow nor Rain Day.

WRIGHT BROTHERS DAY – December 17 (1)
Sunday December 17th

When is Wright Brothers Day

Wright Brothers Day is December 17th in the United States by Presidential Proclamation. The people of the United States are invited to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities each year.

Global Energy Independence Day - July 10
Monday July 10th

When is Global Energy Independence Day

Global Energy Independence Day, which takes place every year on July 10th, raises the need for alternative forms of energy. In addition, the day provides the opportunity to learn more about renewable energies, such as solar, wind, and geothermal.

Tuesday November 21st

When is National Red Mitten Day

National Red Mitten Day on November 21st celebrates Canadian Olympic Pride!!

Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day | October 2
Monday October 2nd

When is National Custodial Worker's Recognition Day

National Custodial Worker's Recognition Day, October 2nd, encourages employees who keep our classrooms and workplaces around the country running smoothly.

Monday January 9th

When is National Static Electricity Day

Although it may be a little surprising, National Static Electricity Day is on January 9th. The observance reveals that static electricity is not real and that even how we can create it.

Coral Triangle Day - June 9th
Friday June 9th

When is Coral Triangle Day

Coral Triangle Day is held every year on June 9th, highlighting the rich diversity of this epicenter of marine life. We're also encouraged to learn more about the Coral Triangle on the day.

International Anti-Corruption Day - December 9
Saturday December 9th

When is International Anti-corruption Day

International Anti-corruption Day, which takes place every year on December 9th, raises public concern about anti-corruption. It also encourages the public to participate in innovative strategies aimed at winning the war against corruption.

World Lizard Day
Monday August 14th

When is World Lizard Day

Every year on August 14th, World Lizard Day commemorates a particular species of reptile. In addition, the day encourages us to express appreciation for lizards and learn more about them.

National Mud Pack Day | September 30
Saturday September 30th

When is National Mud Pack Day

National Mud Pack Day, September 30th, allows people to get muddy.

Sunday November 12th

When is National Chicken Soup For The Soul Day

The Soul Day's National Chicken Soup honors who you are and how you got there. On November 12th, take time to nourish your spirit..

Sunday December 10th

When is Dewey Decimal System Day

Dewey Decimal System Day, December 10th, commemorates a system of classification and the man who created it. Melvil Dewey (1851-1931), a writer from 1851, was born on December 10, 1851. Library classification was created by the librarian using the Dewey Decimal system.

World Play Your Ukulele Day - February 2
Thursday February 2nd

When is World Play Your Ukulele Day

Every year on February 2nd, World Play Your Ukulele Day encourages music enthusiasts to take out their four-stringed instrument and strum away. It's also a day to get people interested in the ukulele.'

Raspberry Cream Pie Day | August 1
Tuesday August 1st

When is National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

National Raspberry Cream Pie Day takes advantage of the ripe berries available this time of year on August 1st.. It's a day to commemorate if you're lucky enough to enjoy some fresh-baked raspberry cream pie.

Bodhi Day - December 8
Friday December 8th

When is Bodhi Day

Every year on December 8th, Buddhists commemorated Siddhartha Gautama's discovery of enlightenment by meditation. Bodhi means awakening or enlightenment, according to the word Bodhi.

National Wine and Cheese Day | July 25
Tuesday July 25th

When is National Wine And Cheese Day

We celebrate the ultimate pairing of wine and cheese on July 25th. National Wine and Cheese Day is a way to try some of our favorites.

World NGO Day - February 27
Monday February 27th

When is World Ngo Day

Every day, the World Non-Government Organization (NGO) Day honors the inspiring work of the people behind not-for-profit organizations around the world. At the local, regional, and international levels, NGOs are present in NGOs. World NGO Day, whether large or small, commemorates all the contributions these organizations bring to the planet.

World Snake Day - July 16
Sunday July 16th

When is World Snake Day

On July 16th, World Snake Day, which is celebrated around the world, brings greater recognition of the wide variety of species around the world.. With over 3,500 species of snakes, finding a snake that fascinates you or that was unknown to you before would not be difficult.