When is?

Monday October 2nd

When is National Smarties Day

On October 2, the sweet legacy of an iconic candy and the smarty pants people who never stop learning will be commemorated.

National Postal Worker Day | July 1
Saturday July 1st

When is National Postal Worker Day

On July 1st, the National Postal Workers Day honors postal employees from around the country and encourages us to express our appreciation. We're grateful to the numerous men and women who work tirelessly and diligently to deliver all of our mail. These employees face some of the most difficult working conditions, yet they continue to work six days a week.

Friday April 7th

When is National Coffee Cake Day

We have another reason to linger over a cup of joe on April 7th, National Coffee Cake Day. We can also break out some of our favorite recipes and bring a heartwarming, home-baked dish to a friend or two. As many bakers know, coffee cakes are extremely quick to make and bring a lot of joy to both the baker and receiver.

World Water Monitoring Day - September 18
Monday September 18th

When is World Water Monitoring Day

World Water Monitoring Day, which takes place every year on September 18th, aims to raise public awareness of water monitoring and acknowledges the importance of safeguarding the world's water resources.

Thursday November 16th

When is International Check Your Wipers Day

On November 16, the driver is advised to regularly check their windshield wipers to ensure maximum visibility in the event of inclement weather on the road. i.e.

National Comfy Day - February 20
Monday February 20th

When is National Comfy Day

On National Comfy Day, February 20th, allow yourself to get up and relax! It's time to get cozy in your favorite spot and take a break from the daily grind.

National Fresh Breath Day | August 6
Sunday August 6th

When is National Fresh Breath Day

On National Fresh Breath Day, annually on August 6th, pop a mint and smile on National Fresh Breath Day. Dental hygiene and its importance are emphasized throughout the day. The day dedicated to combating bad breath is celebrated by Dentists and oral care specialists.

National Autonomous Vehicle Day - May 30
Wednesday May 31st

When is National Autonomous Vehicle Day

Observe the future on May 31st with National Autonomous Vehicle Day and see the convergence of science and technology merging like never before.

World Conservation Day - July 28
Friday July 28th

When is World Conservation Day

Every year on July 28th, World Nature Conservation Day acknowledges that a healthy environment is the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. The foundation for a healthy society is a clean environment.. It's also a day to raise concerns about the importance of protecting our natural resources.

National Joe Day - March 27
Monday March 27th

When is National Joe Day

On March 27th, National Joe Day encourages everyone to enjoy a cup of joe with all your friends named Joe, Jo, Joey, Joseph, and Josephine.. While you're at it, don't forget Joette, Jody, Johanna, Jodie, or any other version of the name Joe. If you didn't know it existed, you could make quite a few nicknames from this one name.

National Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day third Saturday in July
Friday July 21st

When is National Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day

National Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day has been designated as the third Saturday in July of each year. You will find this day in a glass full of some delectable, chilled Strawberry Rhubarb Wine. You will find it this day.

Wednesday May 3rd

When is National Lumpy Rug Day

On May 3rd each year, two ways of commemorating National Lumpy Rug Day are taken.

National Barbie Day - March 9
Thursday March 9th

When is National Barbie Day

National Barbie Day, March 9th, commemorates an iconic toy that premiered on this day in 1959. Barbie debuted at the American International Toy Fair in New York on New York at the American International Toy Fair.

World Ovarian Cancer Day - May 8
Monday May 8th

When is World Ovarian Cancer Day

World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th, raises global awareness of this deadly disease every year. The day also unites those with ovarian cancer, as well as survivors and their families.

National Hot Fudge Sundae Day | July 25
Tuesday July 25th

When is National Hot Fudge Sundae Day

On July 25th, National Hot Fudge Sundae Day takes over as the ambassador of National Ice Cream Month in a new way. Feast on this delectable ice cream dessert that features hot and cold with a cherry on top. This dessert has existed since 1906, which is even more important to note.

International Axe Throwing Day - June 13
Tuesday June 13th

When is International Axe Throwing Day

Sharpen your blades! On June 13th, the International Axe Throwing Day (IAxe Throwing Day) encourages competitive and amateur ax throwers to pick up a handle and toss a few.

World Spine Day - October 16
Monday October 16th

When is World Spine Day

On October 16th, World Spine Day celebrates spine health annually. The day also aims to raise hopes for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of back pain and other spine disorders.

Wednesday January 11th

When is National Milk Day

On January 11th, many believe the first milk bottles in glass bottles appeared in the United States on January 11th. Alexander Campbell of the New York Dairy Company pleaded for these deliveries in 1878, according to New York State Senate Alexander Campbell of the New York Dairy Company.