World Homeless Day - October 10th
Tue Oct 10th

World Homeless Day

Every October 10th, World Homeless Day brings people together to find ways to improve the lives of homeless people in their communities. On a local basis, it's also a time to draw attention to the homeless's needs.

Approximately 150 million people around the world don't have a house. This amounts to 22% of the world's population... Many problems confront homeless people, including: Homeless people face many challenges, including:

  • Chronic pain, infectious diseases, dental issues, and chronic pain are all typical health problems that affect health
  • A lack of funds makes it impossible to buy food and rent
  • Not having access to basic needs, such as dry clothes and clean water, is lacking
  • Longer exposure to the elements, such as heat, humidity, flood, and snow, has been a long time
  • Hunger and poor diet are two of the causes of hunger and hunger
  • Many homeless people in major cities live in slums. These slums are overcrowded and have extremely poor living conditions.

Some experts agree that the problem will never be solved because of the complexity of homelessness.. Some locals believe that starting a good place is right in your neighborhood. It's also important to know the causes of homelessness. Several of the four key reasons include a lack of affordable housing, unemployment, poverty, and low wages. Many people who have a mental health disorder but do not have the appropriate services are often homeless. Domestic violence, for women, is the most common cause of homelessness..

How to celebrate

Communities from more than 100 countries assemble to commemorate World Homeless Day. Some cities host World Homeless Day Summits that include speeches, presentations, and educational workshops. Several faith-based charities host fundraisers to benefit the homeless in their neighborhood. In addition, faith groups can make special offerings to support the homeless, collect goods, make and give out survival kits, and provide prayers for the homeless.

Here are some tips for you to celebrate World Homeless Day.

  • Prepare yourself on the topics that contribute to homelessness in your neighborhood
  • Volunteer your time or contribute to a local homeless shelter
  • In your neighborhood, Host a fundraiser for the homeless
  • Become active in a church or other place of worship that ministers to the homeless. The homeless are ministers to the homeless
  • There are several books out there that will help you better understand the homeless crisis. Matthew Desmond's Evicted, Tell Them Who I Am by Elliot Liebow, and Rachel and Her Children by Jonathan Kozol are among the few books included in this collection. The Soloist, The Public, Time Out of Mind, and Lost Angels Skid Row Is My Home are among the many films about homelessness that have been seen

With #WorldHomelessDay, share a book, film, or your own experience with the homeless on social media.

History of the world homeless day has dominated history

On October 10th, 2010, the first World Homeless Day was held. World Homeless Day came from online discussions amongst aid workers trying to support the homeless in their countries.