National Fajita Day - August 18
Sat Aug 19th

World Humanitarian Day

On August 19th, each year, World Humanitarian Day is held to honor humanitarian workers who put their lives in jeopardy in order to improve the lives of others. The day also brings together people around the world who have been affected by disasters around the world. The United Nations, International organisations, and Non-governmental groups all joined together to celebrate World Humanitarian Day around the world. The United Nations, the United Nations, World Humanitarian Day, is celebrated around the world. To raise money for those living in poverty, the day is being commemorated with fundraisers for relief groups, lectures, and a variety of activities.

Each year, since the day's inception, each year focuses on a particular topic. For instance, the focus in 2010 shifted on the work and achievements of humanitarian workers in the field. Visit to learn more about the theme for each year.

Humanitarians have been praised for providing life-saving assistance to millions of people in need around the world. They help in the midst of a war, conflict, famine, and natural disasters. Over 700 humanitarian workers have lost their lives or been in dangerous situations while trying to assist those in need.

Given the demanding work, humanitarians continue to fulfill the basic needs of some of the world's most helpless people. These include food, clothing, shelter, and a safe place to remain. These include food, clothing, shelter, and a safe place to stay. According to an estimated 130 million people around the world are in danger of humanitarian assistance and are in need of humanitarian assistance. As natural disasters, economic crises, and conflicts rise, so will the need for humanitarian workers.

How to celebrate #worldhumanitarianday..

Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, and Desmond Tutu are among the most notable humanitarians include Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Mother Teresa, Prince Diana, Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, and Desmond Tutu. Some of these well-off humanitarians help those in need by the wealth they have amassed. For others, being a humanitarian has cost them their lives.

You don't have to be a celebrity, have a lot of money, or fly to a third-world country to be a humanitarian. You should be able to help those less fortunate. All you need to do is have the desire to give a helping hand to those less fortunate.

Here are some things you can do to celebrate World Humanitarian Day. Here are a few things you can do to celebrate World Humanitarian Day.

  • Volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Soup kitchen is a soup kitchen
  • Donate some of your personal belongings to someone in need Donate some of your personal belongings to someone in need
  • Contribute to a relief group by making a voluntary contribution to a relief group
  • stranger. Do a random act of kindness for a complete stranger

On social media, use the hashtag #WorldHumanitarianDay to post.

History has a long history of human rights on the planet

In 2008, the United Nations General Assembly established World Humanitarian Day. In 2008, the United Nations General Assembly established World Humanitarian Day. It was first observed on August 19, 2009. The commemoration took place in Baghdad, where 22 people were killed, exactly six years after the 2002 Canal Hotel Bombing, which killed 22 people. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights was one of those killed, according to one of those killed, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.