World Narcolepsy Day - September 22
Fri Sep 22nd

World Narcolepsy Day

World Narcolepsy Day, September 22nd, raises the alarm about this common sleep disorder. Many that have narcolepsy are also able to post their news on social media.

Narcolepsy is also known as a sleep disorder. However, narcolepsy is also recognized as a chronic medical disorder. The brain cannot regulate their sleep-wake cycle for those who have narcolepsy. 3 million people around the world suffer from this disease. This number does not include the many people who are undiagnosed. For those that are not, it can take up to 15 years to be properly diagnosed with narcolepsy.

Common symptoms

These are some of the narcolepsy signs that include:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness is required
  • A sudden loss of muscle tone, or Cataplexy, can be characterized as a sudden loss of muscle tone
  • a temporary inability to move or speak when falling asleep or awakening, is a temporary inability to move or speak when falling asleep or waking up
  • Sleep changes in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when dreams occur, are when dreams occur
  • Hallucinations

People with narcolepsy can sleep without warning. They could fall asleep at work or talking to friends, for example. They may not sleep for a few minutes or a half an hour if they were to sleep for half an hour or less. If the individual wakes up, they may feel refreshed. However, the sleepiness would return eventually. As you can imagine, narcolepsy can interfere with daily life. This disorder is also dangerous, as it is likely to fall asleep while driving or making food.. If left untreated, narcolepsy can cause social alienation and depression.

As with any sleep disorder, those with narcolepsy are encouraged to maintain a regular sleep schedule. During the day, they should also plan to take a short nap. Another way to treat narcolepsy's signs is to avoid smoking and alcohol. Doctors can prescribe stimulants or other prescription drugs to help patients stay up throughout the day in severe cases.

nts should notify their employers of their condition. People with narcolepsy should notify their employers of their illness. They are also encouraged to find a support group that recognizes the disorder.

How to celebrate #worldnarcolepsyday, according to the author

On this day, sleep professionals and organisations hold various activities to inform the public about this misunderstood condition. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • Learn more about narcolepsy and the signs of this disease.
  • If you have narcolepsy, please share your experience with others
  • For someone with narcolepsy, please give them encouragement and assistance.
  • Donate to Project Sleep or other organizations that fund narcolepsy research
  • ack" or "The Secrets of Sleep" are two examples of a narcolepsy documentary. narcolepsy is a disorder that causes chronic pain
  • Sir Winston Churchill, Jimmy Kimmel, Harriet Tubman, and Sir Winston Churchill are among those with narcolepsy

#WorldNarcolepsyDay is finally on social media for this day..

The history of the world narcolepsy day has influenced history

In 2019, twenty-four patient advocacy groups from six continents established World Narcolepsy Day. was to unite the international narcolepsy community in order to raise public awareness of narcolepsy.