World Ovarian Cancer Day - May 8
Mon May 8th

World Ovarian Cancer Day

World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th, raises global awareness of this deadly disease every year. The day also unites those with ovarian cancer, as well as survivors and their families.

The World Ovarian Cancer Coalition estimated nearly 300,000 cases of ovarian cancer around the world in 2018. According to their survey, ovarian cancer caused 185,000 deaths. These numbers are forecast to increase by 2040, which is also expected to rise by 2040. Ovarian cancer is the 8th most common cancer worldwide and the 8th most common cause of death for women. In Asia and Europe, the highest incidences of ovarian cancer occur.

Women can take steps to reduce their risk of ovarian cancer, according to the good news. Women who exercise at least 30 minutes a day can reduce their risk of ovarian cancer by 20%. Along with being physically fit, women should also consume vitamins D and A-rich foods, which are known to contain carcinogens. Breastfeeding women also have a reduced risk of experiencing this type of cancer.

Only women with symptoms of ovarian cancer, according to health experts, must be screened for it. These conditions are also present: These signs include:

  • Suddenly full after eating
  • Pain and discomfort in the pelvic region is common
  • Frequent need to urinate is a frequent desire to urinate
  • Changes in bowel habits have been observed in bowel habits
  • Weight loss
  • Extreme fatigue
  • During or after menopause, abnormal bleeding has occurred, particularly during or after menopause

Women with these symptoms, or who have a family history of ovarian cancer, should consult their doctor. The earlier ovarian cancer is detected, the more effective it is to treat. If it is not detected early, the disease could spread to the pelvis and abdomen.

Learn how to celebrate #worldovariancancerday on Twitter.cancerdaycom

This day, over 170 organisations around the world host events. Educational seminars, walks, and fundraisers are among the many activities that take place. Teal parties are encouraged, as the official color for ovarian cancer awareness. Women can dress in teal and wear teal-colored accessories.

To participate:

  • Wear teal and encourage others to do the same.
  • Find out more about the signs of ovarian cancer
  • By changing a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce your risk of ovarian cancer
  • Donate to an organization that funds research into ovarian cancer

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The global ovarian cancer day in history is the first in the world ovarian cancer day

In 2013, ovarian cancer advocacy groups established World Ovarian Cancer Day.