World Puppetry Day - March 21
Tue Mar 21st

World Puppetry Day

Every year, World Puppetry Day aims to recognize puppetry as a global art form. It's also a day to celebrate puppeteers around the world.

You should probably know puppets by now. If you're like most people, you've probably seen a puppeteer in action. You may have even played with a puppet yourself. However, you may be surprised to learn how old puppetry is.... Puppets date back to the 5th century BCE. Even puppet theaters were present in Asia's China, India,, and other places in Asia. In some ceremonies, Native Americans also used puppet-like figures.

In Prague, the Union Internationale de la Marionnette – the International Puppetry Association (UNIMA) was established in 1929. Puppeeers in the United States kept their art a mystery. Puppeeers weren't until the first half of the twentieth century that puppeteers began sharing more details about their jobs. They also began staging public puppet shows. Tony Sarg, a well-known puppeteer at the time, was largely responsible for this. When puppets became widely available, it led to the establishment of the Puppeteers of America in 1937. Jim Henson founded UNIMA-USA in 1966. UNIMA Australia, UMIMA Pakistan, British UNIMA, and UNIMA France followed suit, with UNIMA Australia, UMIMA Pakistan, British UNIMA, and UNIMA France following suit.

Today, puppets are everywhere. Puppets are everywhere. Not only in the United States, but also around the world. On stage, on television, and in films, Puppets can be seen on stage, on television, and in movies.

These are some of the most popular puppets to date:: These are some of the most popular puppets to include:

  • Pinocchio
  • Punch and Judy
  • Howdy Doody
  • Lamb Chop
  • Kermit the Frog
  • Elmo
  • Daniel Striped Tiger

Can you recall a famous puppet you grew up watching on television or saw in the theater? Can you think of a famous puppet you grew up watching on television or saw in the movies?

How to celebrate

Puppet shows are obviously one of the most popular activities on this day, of course, puppet shows!

To participate:

  • Help your children make their own puppets.
  • assemble your toy puppets together and put on a puppet show of your own.
  • Including Fred Rogers, Jim Henson, Bil Baird, Shari Lewis, and Frank Oz, learn about famous puppeteers like Fred Rogers, Jim Henson, Jim Henson, Shari Lewis, and Frank Oz
  • Watch puppet shows and films starring puppets including The Muppets, Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and Alf

#WorldPupryDay: Don't forget to post your favorite puppet on social media with #WorldPuptionDay.

History has a long tradition of world puppetry Day

Javad Zolfaghari, an Iranian puppet actor, came up with the idea for World Puppetry Day. During the UNIMA World Congress in the year 2000, He suggested a discussion for the day. In 2002, UNIMA declared March 21st as World Puppetry Day on March 21st. The first official World Puppetry Day was held on March 21st, 2003.