World Rainforest Day - June 22
Thu Jun 22nd

World Rainforest Day


World Rainforest Day is June 22nd. The day has been planned to help rainforests by raising concerns and encouraging steps to protect them.

20% of the oxygen we breathe and drink is attributed to the Amazon rainforests, according to the Amazon's Organizers. They absorb carbon dioxide, stabilize climate conditions, and are home to half of the world's plant and animal species. Every minute of every day, an area the size of 40 football fields is lost every minute of every day, according to the organizers.

On National Geographic's website, Nurture your knowledge by learning about rainforests.

Shop smart. Find Rainforest Alliance Certified products. The Rainforest Alliance Certified products are listed below.

For palm oil, look for the Sustainable Palm Oil Roundtable (RSPO) or Green Palm logo.

Use the hashtag #WorldRainforestDay on social media to highlight why rainforests matter to you. Follow on Facebook Follow on Facebook Follow on Facebook Follow on Facebook Follow on Facebook


The first World Rainforest Day was held on June 22nd, 2017. It was initiated by the Rainforest Partnership, a group of organisations. It was initiated by a group called the Rainforest Partnership. It is a worldwide non-profit group headquartered in Austin, Texas, that is dedicated to protecting and regenerating tropical rainforests by community-based projects in the Amazon.