World Thinking Day - February 22
Wed Feb 22nd

World Thinking Day

Girl Scouts from around the world celebrate World Thinking Day every year on February 22nd. Girl Scouts from around the world celebrate World Thinking Day every year. These girls come together to discuss topics that concern young women.

Girl Scouts have existed since 1912, dating back to 1912. Juliette Gordon Low of Boy Scouts met Sir Robert Baden-Powell in England, the founder of Boy Scouts. Following Low's return to her Georgia home, she knew she wanted to start a similar group for girls. In the same year, she brought 18 girls together and told them all she had learned about this new outdoor and educational youth program. "Daisy," as many affectionately described her, was 51 years old and nearly deaf at the time.

The first small troop of Girl Scouts was culturally and ethnically diverse. This was a big deal considering that women were not even allowed to vote. These girls participated in basketball, hiking, and camping. The girls lent a helping hand to those in need, which was more important. They also collaborated together to improve the world around them. Girl Scouts numbers have grown in over 100 countries since their humble beginnings. There are currently 2.6 million Girl Scouts and more than 50 million alumni...

Girl Scouts today focuses on four key areas that make up their leadership experience. These fields include science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), Outdoors, Life Skills, and Entrepreneurship. These include science, Engineering, Applied Mathematics, and Entrepreneurship. Girl Scouts sell their popular cookies! It's in the field of entrepreneurship.

How to celebrate #worldthinkingday

Girls Scouts from around the world celebrate this day by linking with other troops. They also take action and discuss topics they care about. Many Girls Scouts hold fundraisers. Girl Scout members can promote the annual theme by writing their own songs, designing artwork, playing games, and teaching skills they have acquired.

Here are some ways you can still participate: If you're not in Girl Scouts, here are some ways you can participate: If you're not in Girl Scouts, here are some ways you can participate:

  • Consider enrolling your child in your local Girl Scout troop if you have a daughter
  • Support for a Girl Scout fundraiser is funded by a Girl Scout fundraising campaign
  • Learn more about Girl Scouts' history and the impact of the group
  • Consider what you can do to make your corner of the world a better place

#WorldThinkingDay is a hashtag on social media. #WorldThinkingDay is a hashtag that people use on social media. #WorldThinkingDay is shared on social media this day. #WorldThinkingDay is a hashtag that people use on social media. #WorldThinkingDay is a hashtag that was shared on social media. #WorldThinkingDay is on social media.

The world thinking day is the world's biggest thinking day

Girl Scouts first began celebrating this day in 1926. At Camp Edith Macy in New York this year, delegates from various nations gathered together this year. The delegates decided that February 22nd would be designated as a special day for Girl Scouts during this meeting. Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world are among the world's biggest days of friendship. This international day of friendship has become a way to address topics that affect young women and fundraise for Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world. Every year there is a special theme for the day.. New themes have been included: The following are examples from the latest themes:

2021: Peacebuilding

2020: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Inclusion. Diversity, Ethnicity, and Inclusion.

2019: Leadership

2018: Impact

2017: Grow