World Thyroid Day - May 25
Thu May 25th

World Thyroid Day

World Thyroid Day, every year, highlights this vital gland in the body that causes widespread disease around the world. In addition, the day educates the public on the role of the thyroid gland in their overall health.

The thyroid gland is located at the base of the neck, and it is located at the base of the neck. Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are hormones produced by this butterfly-shaped gland. Although the thyroid gland is a tiny gland, it plays a significant role in one's health.

The thyroid gland's primary function is to regulate the body's metabolism. Most people believe that metabolism is related to how well you burn calories. But metabolism also influences body temperature and heart rate. If you have a thyroid disease disorder, it will influence your metabolic rate.

Thyroid conditions

Thyroid disorders can either produce too little T3 and T4 or too much. oidism occurs when the thyroid does not produce enough of these hormones, it's called hypothyroidism. This condition is common in the thyroid gland or there is an iodine deficiency. hormones are made from Iodine. Iodine is the mineral that is used to make thyroid hormones. oidism can also be caused by an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto's. Untreated hypothyroidism can cause brain fog, hair loss, gallstones, constipation, slow metabolism, bloating, high blood pressure, and dry skin.

Hyperthyroidism is another health problem related to thyroid hormones. This condition occurs when the thyroid produces too much T3 and T4, and it is usually associated with overactive nodules in the thyroid or too much iodine. Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by Grave's disease. This condition is the result of an overactive thyroid gland. loss, rapid heartbeat, increased appetite, tremors, sweating, exhaustion, and sleep problems can all be unintentionally associated with untreated hyperthyroidism.

Anybody who suspects they have a thyroid disorder, especially those with a family history of them, should consult their doctor. and hyperthyroidism are two common treatment options. explains how to celebrate #worldthyroiddaycom

On this day, many health clinics, clinics, and physicians hold educational seminars and presentations. They encourage the public to learn more about thyroid disorders, as well as their causes and treatment options. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • Learn more about thyroid disease signs and symptoms
  • If you suspect you have thyroid issues, schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss it
  • Ask family members whether they have been diagnosed with a thyroid disease
  • Donate to a group that focuses on thyroid education and research

yroidDay on social media. Share this important medical day with #WorldThyroidDay.

History of the world thyroid day has long been documented by history

Thyroid Federation International founder In 2007, members of Thyroid Federation International established World Thyroid Day. Since it is the date in 1965 that the European Thyroid Association (ETA) was established in 1965, the European Thyroid Association (ETA) was selected on May 25th. (ETA) was established in 1965. The ETA was the first to commemorate World Thyroid Day. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) announced their support of the day in 2010. The Latin American Thyroid Society (LATS), the Asia and Oceania Thyroid Association (AOTA), the Chinese Society of Endocrinology (CSE), and the Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM) all support the campaign, as well as the Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM).