World Tsunami Awareness Day - November 5th
Sun Nov 5th

World Tsunami Awareness Day

Every year, World Tsunami Awareness Day is celebrated in countries around the world. On November 5th, countries around the world observe World Tsunami Awareness Day. This day raises tsunami alerts and showcases innovative approaches to risk reduction.

Tsunamis are uncommon, but if they do occur, they can be extremely destructive. Tsunamis are regarded as one of the deadliest forms of natural disasters. In 2014, the Indian Ocean tsunami killed 227,000 people in 14 countries, including 227,000 in 2004. 58 tsunamis have killed more than 260,000 people in the last 100 years. In the Pacific Ocean and Indonesia, tsunamis are most common. However, tsunamis are also present in several other nations, with many other nations being at a high risk of tsunamis. The United States includes:: These countries include:: These countries include:: These countries include::

  • Chile and Peru
  • The United States' West Coast of the West Coast of the United States
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • India
  • Italy
  • Morocco
  • Portugal

Before a tsunami, an earthquake must occur. It's the seismic activity from an earthquake that has caused a string of eruptions in the ocean waters that has caused this seismic activity... These eruptions have erupted into huge waves. When these waves travel inland, they rise and reach new heights.. 100 feet high was the highest tsunami wave ever recorded. In 1958, this occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska.. Because this area is sparsely populated, only five deaths have been reported. Besides achieving great heights, tsunami waves also travel quickly. The waves were traveling at 500 mph during the Indian Ocean tsunami.

If a person survived the tsunami's tidal wave that followed, and then flood that follows, they must also survive the tidal wave that follows. When a tsunami warning is issued, it's critical to get to the ground or as far inland as possible.

How to celebrate #worldtsunamiawarenessday.daycom

Many countries host events to raise concerns of tsunamis. They host educational seminars to help the public understand tsunamis as well as disaster planning panels. Only coastal areas are impacted by tsunamis. And if you don't live along the coast, this day is still available. Here are a few ways to do it: Here are some tips on how to do it..

  • Find out more about tsunamis here. Learn more about tsunamis
  • Consider what you would do in the case of a tsunami. Consider what you would do if you were to do in the event of a tsunami
  • Get a natural disaster response kit in place before putting a natural disaster response strategy into place
  • Watch a tsunami film, such as The Impossible, Deep Impact, 2012, and The Perfect has a tsunami movie. Watch a tsunami movie

Use #WorldTsunamiAwarenessDay when posting on social media.

The world tsunami awareness day is the first in history

The country of Japan is credited with establishing World Tsunami Awareness Day. Tsunami Awareness Day is a national holiday in Japan. They became leaders in preparing for these natural disasters as a result of the country's tsunami experience. Early warning and minimizing tsunami impacts are both important and minimized future risks of tsunamis in Japan. of the rice sheaves" was chosen as World Tsunami Awareness Day in Japan on November 5th to honor the Japanese story of "Inamura-no-hi" or "burning of the rice sheaves." In 1858, a Japanese farmer noticed the tide recede and knew a tsunami was about to strike. To warn the other villagers, He set fire to his rice harvest. The farmer then built an embankment and planted trees to shield the village from future tsunamis. ' The United Nations declared November 5th as World Tsunami Awareness Day in 2015.